St. Joseph's University
Dr. Philip Schatz

Psychology 4235
Spring 2009

Psychological Profile of Someone Famous Assignment

For this assignment, you will profile a famous individual.

For this psychological profile, you should include at least two of the following "data":

  • Actual Results/Data of Psychological Testing
  • Summary of Results/Data of Psychological Testing
  • Expert opinion by a Psychologist or Psychiatrist
  • Psychological profile provided by a Psychologist or Psychiatrist
  • Developmental Profile provided by Psychologist, Psychiatrist or family member

As well, you must complete a Case Formulation Grid for the individual at the time of their "notoriety".

You should provide a history of the reason for the evaluation. This should include the context in which this information was obtained, the specific reason for the evaluation, a brief summary of the nature of the "situation", crime or offense which led to the evaluation.

Feel free to include what you believe is the correct DSM-IV diagnosis, as well as symptoms displayed/cited which support the diagnosis or condition.

You should provide references for all information obtained. If information is obtained from the Internet and no specific reference is provided on the Web Site, you should further research the source at the library*

You are required to hand in a formal, typed paper containing all of the above information. When in doubt, conform to APA format. This paper has no inherent length demands, but those choosing to opt for the "less than three pages" or "more than ten pages" options will be appropriately and harshly graded. This paper is due the last day of class; for this due-date, there will be no exceptions**.

You are required to present a summary of your Profile the last week of the semester. As the class has 10 participants, and there are 320 minutes in the two sessions, this leaves approximately 20-30 minutes for each person. That said, presentations should be brief, concise, informative, provocative, and last no longer than 25 minutes. Should you wish to use any form of technology, arrive 1/2 hour early to set-up, organize, plan or otherwise insure a smooth transition between presentations.

Of note, video should only be used as a means of enhancing your presentation, and should be limited to one or two brief (I.e., 30 sec. - 2 minute clips. As well, the words "um" and "like" should be intentionally excluded from all presentations. Failure to do so may result in word-count and word-usage per minute totals being publicly displayed at the end of your presentation.Of note, the words "um" and "like" should be intentionally excluded from all presentations. Failure to do so may result in word-count and word-usage per minute totals being publicly displayed at the end of your presentation.

*Library: noun; (pronounced 'lI-"brer-E, or 'lI-"ber-E); a large building housing numerous books, journals, and reference materials

**no exceptions: an inflexible approach suggesting that this is the way things should and will be